Wednesday, June 11, 2008

I Am Blessed

As we continue to get updates on Olivia it has caused me to reflect on my life and how blessed I have been with good health and strength. As well as my family. We have had most of the normal health concerns and some major concerns (especially Katie) but all in all we have been so blessed. I have had 25 wonderful years of marriage to Yvonne, who I love dearly and has been the stabilizing factor in our family. She has put up with my nonsense for all these years and still continues to love me. As our family gets older and we get to spend more time together it is a wonderful time in our lives. Maybe for some couples they want time apart but I think we could spend a lot of time together before we got tired of each other.
We have been blessed with 5 wonderful kids, although each has had his/her normal problems in life, they have each gained strong testimonies of the gospel and have lived great lives. They are so much further ahead in life than I was at their age. We look forward to see their lives continue to develop
As we went to the cemetary Monday it was wonderful to see the gravesites of Grandma and Grandpa Richins. It again made me reflect of the great heritage I have. We (me and my siblings) have been brought up by wonderful parents who love the Lord and have taught us to love Him as well. I am grateful to them for all they do for all of us


Staigerfamily said...

What a beautiful tribute to your wife and your relationship. You have a wonderful family and exceptional children. . . we too are excited to see what the future holds for them.

dmmuaina said...

Randy and Yvonne, We're glad that you are blogging because we felt the same way as far as keeping in touch a little better. That is why Dennis started ours. We mostly wanted it to keep in touch with our immediate family but it isnice to see what all the others are doing also. I have learned a lot of things about my daughters (because they are the ones that blog the most) and it has been great. Your tribute to Yvonne was wonderful and I love her too. Take care and tell your family hi!